Setups of Analyses

In: Run

The Analysis Setup window is started, when the user clicks the Run command in the main menu or it can be run by a click on the View or Edit command in the right-hand click popup menu on ANA_SETUP item of the data_base tree structure. The fatigue damage analysis can be run for all possible combinations chosen from three different sources. These are:

There is a new radio button group on the left side of the window in the PragTic v.0.2. Here the user selects, to which entities will be the calculation localized. The content of all three sheets is modified according to the option chosen here. Note: The option Integration points is disabled at this moment. If there are result files and load regimes localized to only one entity type (e.g. to elements), this option is automatically selected within this window.

Every sheet has the same form. All items, which can be selected are grouped in the list on the left side, which is named In database. There are four buttons in the middle section, which can be used to transfer the left items to the right list, where all items Selected for calculation are stated. These buttons are:

The Run button is not active until whole analysis is defined, i.e. at least on item is selected at each of the three sheets. To Save the analysis combination under the selected ID-name, the items at all three sheets have to be defined as well.

If no item is selected in the left part of the window, the analysis is ran for the combination currently selected in the three sheet. If there is some selection done, the analysis run for each analysis setup combination consecutively.


© PragTic, 2007

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